Crunchyroll Gift Cards

Buy Crunchyroll gift cards to experience everything Crunchyroll offers as the streaming platform with the world’s most extensive selection of Anime and Manga. Watch hits like Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, One Piece, Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia and much more of the best Anime and Manga series and movies. Try the Carry1st Shop for the best deals without needing a credit card. Enjoy popular local payment types in Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, Egypt & Morocco.

Crunchyroll Gift Cards FAQ

Get access to the world’s largest Anime streaming platform. Purchase Crunchyroll gift card vouchers online today on the Carry1st Shop with 90+ payment options (no credit card needed!)

Founded in 2006, Crunchyroll is an American company that produces, publishes, distributes, and licenses anime, manga, and drama. Crunchyroll is one of the best dedicated anime streaming services available. Crunchyroll has a lot to offer from animated Japanese shows and movies to Asian dramas. Sony acquired Crunchyroll in 2021. With over 1,000 anime shows, and more than 200 East Asian drama shows, Crunchyroll surpassed 5 million subscribers in 2021. Most of the titles on the Crunchyroll service are available in both subtitles and dubbed versions. Subscribers also have access to all recent shows and movies as they get released. Crunchyroll offers a free version for its users.

Crunchyroll offers a premium subscription that allows users to stream shows and movies ad-free, with immediate access to new episodes and exclusive discounts on the Crunchyroll store. Crunchyroll provides two subscription options. A monthly and yearly package. Subscriptions can be purchased with either credit card or Crunchyroll gift card vouchers.

A Crunchy Gift Card will grant you access to the world's largest anime streaming platform, allowing you to watch ad-free movies and anime series from all over the world! Crunchyroll gift card vouchers can be used to pay for the premium package.

The Carry1st Shop offers affordable rates on Crunchyroll gift card vouchers. We accept 90+ secure payment methods, like PayPal, Chipper, Crypto, bank transfers, and more. We also offer discounted prices and offers from time to time!

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down to the Lifestyle and Entertainment section
  3. Select Crunchyroll
  4. Select the Crunchyroll gift card voucher package you would like
  5. Enter your email address
  6. Add in the quantity of your purchase
  7. Purchase your Crunchyroll gift card voucher through 90+ secure payment methods (no credit card needed)

Please note: Always ensure to look out for great bundles and special offers on the Carry1st Shop!

Steps to redeem the gift voucher code on your Crunchyroll account:

  1. Ensure that you have a valid Crunchyroll account
  2. Log in to
  3. Enter the voucher code that has been sent to your email
  4. Tap Redeem. 
  5. Balance will be topped up

  • This voucher code may only be redeemed by users with a Crunchyroll account.
  • To redeem or use the gift card voucher, you must first login or create a Crunchyroll account at 
  • This voucher code cannot be redeemed for cash, refunded, or returned, except as required by law.
  • The Recipient must be at least 13 years old and a resident of one of the countries where Crunchyroll is authorized to operate.
  • All payments for these vouchers are final and not refundable and we do not allow exchanges on digital orders.
  • Value from this voucher code cannot be used: with Family profiles; to purchase other voucher codes or gift cards
  • The value associated with this voucher code does not expire, and no inactivity fees or service fees apply.
  • Offer not valid in combination with any other offer and cannot be exchanged for cash
  • Misuse of this voucher code may constitute fraud. In certain cases, we may limit or decline to honor the voucher code value if you are unable to present satisfactory proof of your identity upon our request.
  • Issuer is not responsible for lost or stolen voucher codes, or unauthorized use.

For full Terms and Conditions, customer service and more information, including how to determine the balance of your gift card voucher, please visit 

Purchase Crunchyroll gift card vouchers online on the Carry1st Shop!