بطاقة شحن بلاي ستيشن (الولايات المتحدة)

الأسئلة المتكررة حول بطاقة بلاي ستيشن (الولايات المتحدة).

PlayStation (بالإنجليزية: PlayStation)‏ هي علامة تجارية لوحدات تحكم ألعاب الفيديو أنتجتها شركة سوني إنتراكتيف إنترتينمنت . كانت PlayStation أوريجينال أول من تم إصداره في اليابان في عام 1994، وأطلقت سوني سلسلة من وحدات التحكم منذ ذلك الحين. وهي تشمل: PlayStation ون و2 (في عام 2000)، PlayStation 3 (في عام 2006)، PlayStation 4 (في عام 2013)، وأحدثها، PlayStation 5 (في عام 2020) الذي يتميز بواجهة محدثة بالكامل.

In order to have access to premium features and some PlayStation games, users require PlayStation gift card vouchers. These are redeemable digital cards that hold a specific amount of money which is transferable to your PlayStation account. The PlayStation gift card vouchers are region based, hence users are required to purchase as per their regions.

With a PlayStation gift card voucher, users can:

  1. Add funds to your PlayStation account
  2. Purchase items from the PlayStation store
  3. Purchase games like Fortnite on PlayStation store
  4. Game points
  5. PlayStation Plus membership

Grab your PlayStation gift card vouchers from the Carry1st Shop. We accept all your preferred local secure payment methods, like PayPal, Chipper, Crypto, bank transfers, and more. We also offer affordable rates with discounted prices and offers from time to time!

  1. Go to shop.carry1st.com
  2. Scroll down to the Games options
  3. Select PlayStation
  4. Select the PlayStation gift card voucher package you would like
  5. Enter your email address
  6. Add in the quantity of your purchase
  7. Purchase your PlayStation gift card voucher through local secure payment methods (no credit card needed!)

  1. Go to PlayStation Store 
  2. Select the Avatar at the top of the screen
  3. Click Redeem Codes on the drop-down menu. 
  4. Enter the code sent to your email and click Redeem.

  1. Go to Settings and select Users and Accounts.
  2. Click on Payment and Subscriptions 
  3. Click Redeem Code
  4. Enter the code sent to your email and select Redeem.

  1. Go to PlayStation Store 
  2. Click the button the Redeem Code button at the bottom
  3. Enter the code sent to your email and click Redeem.

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