PUBG, previously known as Players Unknown Battleground is a multiplayer online battle royale game that was developed and published by Kraftons subsidiary, PUBG. The game was initially released in March 2017 for Microsoft Windows via Steams and later, Xbox One via Xbox game preview. In 2018, PUBG Mobile, a free to play mobile version was launched on Apple Store for iOS, and Google Playstore for Android. In order to win PUBG, each player must strive to be cunning and demonstrate various fighting skills, complete with a good dose of luck. The last standing player wins the game.

PUBG is a free-to-play game that starts with players landing from a plane on their parachutes. Upon landing, players start by searching for weapons, armors, vehicles, and other resources to ensure they survive, including looting a killed user's equipment. The game can be played in either first person or third person. The playable areas on the maps begin to shrink every few minutes; those players who do not make it to the safe zone in time are eliminated. In-game currencies called G-coins are awarded to players who battle and complete a stage.  Every contest consists of up to 100 players who are all battling to survive. To enhance your gaming experience purchase PUBG Mobile gift vouchers online on Carry1st Shop

PUBG has a variety of in-game currencies that are dependent on the various versions. 

  1. Battle Points

All PUBG versions use this currency. These can be earned depending on your performance in every match and upon completion of a match. 

  1. G-Coins

G-Coins are the PUBG premium in-game currency that is exclusive for Xbox and Playstation. With G-Coins, a player can purchase exclusive items from the store that are helpful in accelerating their gaming experience and increasing their chances of survival. 

  1. Ace-Gold

Also referred to as AG, is a PUBG Mobile currency. Ace-Gold is used to purchase certain cosmetic items in PUBG Mobile. It can also be used as an alternative for Unknown Cash since it can be earned as you play.

  1. Unknown Cash

Also referred to as UC, is a PUBG Mobile currency. It can only be purchased with real-world money. It is used to purchase certain cosmetics items. Purchase UC gift vouchers online on the Carry1st Shop.

Grab your PUBG gift card vouchers from the Carry1st Shop. We accept 60+ secure payment methods, like PayPal, Chipper, Crypto, bank transfers, and more. We also offer affordable rates with discounted prices and offers from time to time!

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down to the Games options
  3. Select PUBG Mobile
  4. Input the PUBG Mobile gift card voucher price package you would like
  5. Enter your email address
  6. Add in the quantity of your purchase
  7. Purchase your PUBG Mobile gift card voucher through 60+ secure payment methods (no credit card needed!)

Please note: Always ensure to look out for Carry1st Bundles and Special Offers on the Carry1st Shop

Follow steps below to redeem your PUBG Mobile gift card voucher:

  1. Go to Midasbuy
  2. Select your region/country
  3. Login to your PUBG Mobile account 
  4. Click on PUBG Mobile header
  5. Click on the redeem icon and enter the redemption code provided. 
  6. You can then redeem the code value as PUBG Mobile Unknown Cash.

  • This Gift Card voucher can only be redeemed and used on  
  • The PUBG Mobile gift card vouchers are valid for one-time-use only and cannot be redeemed by multiple users.
  • All payments for PUBG Mobile gift card vouchers are final and not refundable and we do not allow exchanges on digital orders.
  • Users may not use or distribute PUBG Mobile gift card vouchers except through the services and as expressly allowed by PUBG.
  • Strictly no resale of PUBG Mobile gift cards vouchers for personal use only.    
  • PUBG Mobile gift card vouchers are subject to expiry and are valid for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of purchase.
  • Offer not valid in combination with any other offer and cannot be exchanged for cash

Please be careful when selecting the card you wish to buy.

For full Terms and Conditions and more information, including how to determine the balance of your PUBG Mobile gift cards, please visit 

Purchase PUBG Mobile gift card vouchers online from the Carry1st Shop!