Nintendo US

Nintendo memberships and gift card vouchers online

Buy Nintendo gift cards and memberships to enjoy the best gaming experiences in the Nintendo universe. You can conveniently shop without a credit card. Gamers can also use popular local payment options to make purchases in Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Morocco and Egypt. See all game gift card vouchers.

Nintendo US FAQ

Nintendo is a leading international video game company. Founded in 1889 as a handmade toy company in Kyot, Japan. Nintendo has since evolved into one of the largest video game companies in the world with expertise in developing video games and video game consoles. Its very first console, the color TV game, gained international recognition and since then, Nintendo has developed some of the most successful consoles in the gaming industry. Some of the consoles produced by Nintendo include: Super Nintendo entertainment system, Nintendo DS, and the Switch. Nintendo has sold over 5.6 billion video games and over 800 million units across the world.

The perfect gift for anyone who loves to play—including you. Choose from over 1,000 new, classic and indie games–delivered directly to your Nintendo Switch, Wii U or Nintendo 3DS family of systems. Nintendo eShop Digital Cards are redeemable only through the Nintendo eShop on the Nintendo Switch, Wii U, and Nintendo 3DS family of systems. Digital Card balances can be shared across Nintendo Switch, Wii U and Nintendo 3DS family of systems, but may only be used on a single Nintendo eShop account.

This item can be redeemed on eShop only. This item cannot be redeemed on the Wii Shop.

Individual membership plans provide the service to the Nintendo Account user that purchases the membership.

Family membership plans provide the service to everyone in the purchaser's Nintendo Account family group (up to 8 people).  You can purchase multiple of the same membership plan to extend your overall membership time.  If you already belong to a family membership, you cannot purchase, redeem a download code for, or change to an individual membership.  If you already have an existing membership, you can change from an  individual membership to a family membership, or to a Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack membership, for a discounted price. The discount amount is based on the number of remaining days on your existing membership, up to the full cost of the new membership. For more details, review our Information on Changing a Nintendo Switch Online Membership Plan.

Get access to a growing library of classic Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) games anytime, anywhere with added online features and competitive online gaming in supported Nintendo Switch. As a member, users also have access to multiplayer options.

Nintendo membership offers access to free-to-start games. These games include:

  • Apex Legends
  • Warframe
  • Pokemon cafe mix
  • Rocket League
  • Fallout Shelter
  • Tetris 99
  • Pac-man 99

Nintendo offers various membership packages for their customers.

These membership packages include;

  1. Individual monthly membership
  2. Nintendo Switch Online - Users get access to benefits, including a library of Nintendo 64™ games with newly added online play for up to 4 players1, access to DLC like Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe and more.
  3. Nintendo Switch Online family membership which offers upto 8 accounts.

The membership packages can be paid on a monthly or yearly basis.

To purchase Nintendo membership, a user has four options

  1. Nintendo eshop on Nintendo Switch - Become a member by visiting Nintendo eshop and select join membership
  2. Purchase membership on Nintendo website
  3. Purchase Nintendo membership on select retailers and online stores. 
  4. Purchase software bundles that include a select game and a Nintendo Switch membership

Do not miss out on amazing gaming products and services— grab your Nintendo gift cards from the Carry1st Shop. We accept secure payment methods, like PayPal, Chipper, Crypto, bank transfers, and more. We also offer affordable rates with discounted prices and offers from time to time!

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down to the Games options
  3. Select Nintendo
  4. Select the Nintendo monthly membership gift card voucher package you would like
  5. Enter your email address
  6. Add in the quantity of your purchase
  7. Purchase your Nintendo membership gift card voucher through secure payment methods (No credit card needed)

Please note: Always ensure to look out for Carry1st Bundles and Special Offers on the Carry1st shop

Detailed instructions for redeeming by device: Nintendo Switch/ Nintendo Switch Lite

1. If you haven’t already, set up an internet connection on your Nintendo Switch system.

2. Make sure your Nintendo Switch system has the latest systemupdate.

3. From the Nintendo Switch HOME Menu, select the Nintendo eShopicon.

4. Select “Enter Code.”

5. Enter your download code and click “OK.”

Your total balance cannot exceed $200

Nintendo 3DS family of systems

1. If you haven’t already, set up an Internet connection to your system and make sure your device has the latest system update.

2. From the HOME Menu, select the Nintendo eShop icon.

3. Scroll left and select “Add Funds.”

4. Select “Redeem a Nintendo eShop Card.”

5. Tap the box that says, “Enter the activation code.”

6. Use the touch screen to enter the activation code from the Digital Card and tap “OK.”

7.Tap “OK” again.

Wii U

1. If you haven’t already, set up an Internet connection to your system and make sure your device has the latest system update.

2. From the HOME Menu, select the Nintendo eShop icon.

3. Select “Balance” from the menu on the left side of the screen.

4. Tap button that says “NintendoeShop Card.”

5. Tap the box that says, “Enter the code.”

6. Use the touch screen to enter the activation code from the Digital Card and tap “OK.”

7. Select “Add.”

To learn more about the Nintendo eShop,

Follow the steps below to guide you to redeem your Nintendo membership voucher gift cards: 

  1.  Go to 
  2.  Enter PIN
  3.  Get Gift card code
  4. Go to Nintendo eShop
  5. Select Nintendo eShop on the HOME Menu to launch the Nintendo eShop.
  6. Select the account you want to use.
  7. Select Nintendo Switch Online on the left side of the screen.
  8. Scroll down to Redeem Code and select Enter.
  9. Enter the 16-digit download code for the Nintendo Switch Online membership, then select OK.
  10. Download codes intended for use in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico cannot be used in countries in Latin America (and vice versa).
  11. Make sure to review and accept any required terms that appear on the screen.
  12. Select Confirm to redeem the code.

Any letters and symbols not used with prepaid codes (i.e. O, I, Z, commas, hyphens, etc.) will be disabled from the on-screen keyboard.

Redeem balance ONLY through the Nintendo eShop and other Nintendo shopping services, including Nintendo systems that offer access to the Nintendo eShop, to download content such as games and other features, or to purchase items (subject to availability).

· Valid for use in the United States only.

· Use of this card requires broadband Internet access, and acceptance of a User Agreement, and Privacy Policy. Please review the User Agreement at before purchasing.

· Compatible accessories and software may be required to use certain downloaded content, and are sold separately.

· When you enter the card’s activation code on the Nintendo eShop or other Nintendo shopping service, the card balance will be associated with your Nintendo eShop account and will be non-transferable. There will be no remaining balance on the card.

· The card balance may only be used on a single Nintendo eShop account.

- There is a maximum unused account balance that may be stored on a single Nintendo eShop account, and the card may, as a result, be temporarily unredeemable.

· Card balances do not expire, and there are no fees associated with the card. This card is non-reloadable.

· Card balances cannot be redeemed for cash or for third-party stored value, and are non-refundable unless required by law.

· Card balances will not be replaced by Nintendo or your retailer if the card is lost or stolen. Do not buy this card if the silver area has been scratched off.

· Please visit for more information.

To use this card, you must have a wireless internet connection and agree to the network-related terms and conditions and privacy policies. You may also need to create or link a Nintendo Network ID

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